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ZenHara is a sustainable clothing brand that crafts comfortable and stylish pieces for everyday wear. Committed to high-quality, eco-friendly materials, we embrace a minimalist aesthetic, offering timeless and versatile outfits suitable for any occasion. From casual outings to gym sessions,


ZenHara ensures you look good while being mindful of the planet.


ZenHara, a visionary clothing brand committed to sustainable and stylish wear, embarked on a journey to create an online platform that aligns with its mission and provides a seamless experience for conscious consumers. This case study delves into the design process, features, technologies used, and future plans for the ZenHara website.

Design Process:

The design process began with extensive research on the target audience, industry, and competitors. User stories were crafted to address the specific needs of conscious consumers. Wireframes and mockups were created, incorporating user feedback to refine the design. The design decisions aimed at making the website user-friendly and visually appealing.


Link to Wireframe

The wireframe served as the blueprint, guiding the development of the website. It outlined the structure, navigation, and key elements to enhance the user experience.


Video Walkthrough:

Link to Video

The video walkthrough provides a visual journey through the website, showcasing its features and functionality.


Website Deployment:

Link to Deployment The deployed website reflects the culmination of the design process, offering users an immersive experience.



  1. Navigation Bar:

    • Logo with Animation

    • Home, About, Shop, Reviews, Contact, Game, Wishlist, User, Cart

  2. Pages:

    • Home Page:

      • Shop Now button

    • About Us:

      • Mission and brand overview

    • Shop Products:

      • Categorized clothing

    • Our Reviews:

      • Interactive 5-star reviews

    • Why Choose Us:

      • Interactive spinning elements

    • Contact:

      • Opening hours, branch locations, contact details, map

    • Footer:

      • Navigation bar, company info, social media icons

    • Login & Sign Up:

      • Slide animation, RestDB integration

    • Cart:

      • Add, remove products, product details

    • Game:

      • Memory card game with discounts

Features Left to Implement:

  • Filter Navigation Bar

  • Enhanced Game Features

  • Promo Code Section

  • Checkout Button

  • Total Calculation for Cart

  • Shop Section Buttons

  • Wishlist Page

Technologies Used:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • JQuery for DOM manipulation

  • RestDB for data storage

  • Figma for wireframing

  • IBM Cloud Watson Assistant for API Chatbot

  • Netlify for website deployment


  • Game functionality testing

  • User account creation and login testing

  • User experience testing for various interfaces


The project draws inspiration from industry leaders and incorporates innovative features to provide users with a unique and engaging experience.

ZenHara's website stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to sustainability and user-centric design, creating a digital space where conscious consumers can explore and embrace sustainable fashion effortlessly.

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