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MobiliBank, an online banking website designed specifically for individuals with physical disabilities, offers a user-friendly platform with innovative features to ensure seamless navigation and enhanced accessibility.


Our commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone can manage their finances effortlessly, fostering independence and convenience in the digital banking experience.


MobiliBank, an online banking platform, is crafted with a primary focus on ensuring accessibility for individuals with physical disabilities. This UX/UI case study explores the design principles, features, and user-centric approach adopted to create an inclusive and user-friendly digital banking experience.

Design Process:

The design process began with extensive user research to understand the specific needs and challenges of individuals with physical disabilities in the context of online banking. User personas were created to guide the design decisions, ensuring a tailored and empathetic approach.

Design Principles:

MobiliBank embodies a commitment to inclusivity, emphasizing accessibility for users with physical disabilities. The design prioritizes features that cater to diverse needs, ensuring a seamless banking experience for all.

User Friendly Navigation:

A user-friendly platform is at the core of MobiliBank's design. Intuitive navigation, clear layouts, and straightforward interactions contribute to an environment where users can manage their finances with ease.


1. Accessible Design

  • Color Contrast: High contrast colors enhance visibility, aiding users with visual impairments.

  • Readable Fonts: Clear and legible fonts are employed for easy reading.

2. Navigation Assistance

  • Voice Commands: Integration of voice commands facilitates navigation, empowering users with mobility challenges.

3. Customizable Interface

  • Adaptive Layouts: Users can customize the interface based on their preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.

4. Simplified Transactions

  • Single-Click Actions: Minimizing the steps required for transactions simplifies the banking process.

5. Multimodal Input

  • Touch and Voice Integration: Combining touch and voice inputs caters to users with varied abilities.

Wireframes and Prototypes:

Wireframes and prototypes were developed to visualize the user journey and interface elements. Continuous feedback loops with potential users were conducted to refine and optimize the design, focusing on creating a seamless and accessible digital banking experience.



MobiliBank was deployed with a phased approach, allowing for real-time user feedback and adjustments. The live release ensures continuous improvement based on user experiences and evolving accessibility needs.



Extensive usability testing was conducted with users having various physical disabilities. Feedback was gathered to identify pain points and areas for improvement, leading to iterative design enhancements.

Future Enhancements:

Future plans include ongoing user feedback integration, regular accessibility audits, and the implementation of emerging technologies to further enhance the inclusive online banking experience.


MobiliBank stands as a testament to the power of user-centric design. The inclusive features and accessibility enhancements prioritize the needs of individuals with physical disabilities, fostering a sense of independence and convenience in managing their finances.
The continuous feedback loop with users like Alex ensures that MobiliBank evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of its diverse user base. As we move forward, our commitment to inclusivity remains unwavering, and MobiliBank continues to pave the way for a more accessible and user-friendly digital banking landscape.

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